Tuesday, May 7, 2013



People don't like other people to be inconsistent but I think I've been inconsistent and treat this blog unfair. I already tell her to at least write on her everyday, or I will add some foodies stuff. But it seems none of it become any realization. Of course that followed with so many excuse (i.e; I'm tired, its late, ah I will do it tomorrow) and procrastination. Ahaha. 

I was think about it and I think it's getting worse. I delay do stuff that I think doesn't have deadline, like doing errands, or re arrange my room. Yeah now my room is a freakin mess cos of this procrastinating stuff, and DISTRACTION is actually my number one enemy. I feel i have this undiagnosed ADHD when i was kid. I'm so easily distracted. Like, if you talkin to me, you will realize i keep jumping back and forth to random topics. Some people say I'm interesting and not boring but some say "stick to this topic we talking about, will you?" LOL 

Bad, bad, bad. I know. Then again my friend will say "you being too hard on yourself" butbutbutbutttttt, I dont think I am. IN FACT, I think I PAMPER MYSELF SO MUCH with LACK of discipline (esp with my diet im soooooooo gluttttton), with my decision (I wanna do this but I can do that too, so i do this and that half each). I use to be a person with big determination and big will (yeah of course its also come with big ego). Now when someone having less ego, everything is flat and wavy. haha. Everything is so frickin flexible. 
Nothin to chase on, and also nothing to cherish on. Bad bad. 

As I realize it comes with my diet. I want to do this but my mind keep telling it there will still be TOMORROW. what is tomorrow? It's the day AFTER today!!! aaaaaaaaand, today is EVERYDAYYYY! Do you see how it become the devil circle? ahahha. Oh man, I'm 28 but still feel like a loser. Everytime I meet new people online and they say how they enjoying their life, and they're very passionate about what their work. Somehow some part of me dies everytime I hear that. How I waste my time. aot doin something I dont like. WAIT, why is this post become so emoooo? *slapself*  

Get up stand up and sit up! Eh I mean get up! and no no no no emo allowed! come one, where is that cheerful bubbly character that you used to have, mash? And you was and optimistic and not cynic girl. When did you become this gloomy grey colored sceptic and cynic girl? 

You can change yes you can! 

FOCUS and less distraction!

And as I write this post there is someone that suddenly msg me and sayin they know me from this blog! Waoo thats awesome. Becos this blog is practically almost like a tomb and I come and go writing it here. So Okay I decide, I will write post twice a week, and less boring which maybe will be filled with eithrd food pics or MY PICS MWAHAHHA. *slapped* 

PS: See how much this post describing how ADHD I am ahhaha. So frickin RANDOMMM. 


  1. well, you're not the only one.
    2000-2002, serving NS. I'm lost. thought I'll just go for study.
    2002-2004, I flunk, things didn't go the way I want.
    2004-2006, totally lost, no idea what to do, so I'll just start working on a real job *finally*
    and since then, I started to realize what I craved the most, knowledge and my current job. Since 2008, I've start working towards what I wanted to do.

    People called me chaotic when it comes to what I'm thinking, fickle-minded, whatever they can think of.
    But the truth is, I just simply lack the reason and motivation to do certain stuff.

    I used to be inspired in the media industry, trying out latest 3D techniques in Computer Graphics, trying out webdesign, it all didn't summed up that well.

    it's all in my bad planning. before my NS, things were well for me. I practically don't have to worry about money, I can go to the arcade every day after school, end the day with fastfood. taking things for granted.

    Oh well... it's all in the past now. Currently, my environment kinda motivates me in doing what I do.
    Until then... Gambatte

  2. yes i need more focus too..

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